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On the Importance Of Monitoring Your Overseas Employees

admin stator
admin stator

Posts : 1628
Join date : 2010-09-04

Post On the Importance Of Monitoring Your Overseas Employees   On the Importance Of Monitoring Your Overseas Employees Date-310Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:37 pm

You hired your first overseas employee and now want to monitor their work, to see if they are in fact working or not. There are a few ways that you can do this, one of those can be by having your remote employees email you every hour with an update of their work. This method is effective because it will give you a "report" of their work every hour and it will basically hold them accountable to the work that they are claiming to do. The down side to this is that your employee now has one more task on his/her plate. You can also make an argument whether this is the most effective use of their time or not, having them email you every hour just to update you on their work.

There are a few more ways that you can monitor their work and make sure that they are providing the best service towards your company. All of those methods will involve your undivided attention. For example, you can have them connect remotely to your desktop and work from there. This method is great if you have time to sit and watch your computer screen during the time that your employee is working. This kind of defeats the purpose of hiring overseas workers, if it is only going to take up all of your time in monitoring them while they do their work.

So what is the best option when it comes towards monitoring your overseas employees?

Remote Software Screen Capture Software

When you work with a remote desktop screen capture software you are literally duplicating yourself. With such a system you will be able to monitor your overseas employees and make sure they are in fact working. With such a system you will also be able to prevent errors on your employees end. When searching for a remote desktop screen capture to use make sure that these features are present within that system.

1) The ability to take snap shots every 3 minutes of your workers computer desktop. When this happens, you will literally be able to see the work that your employee is doing. If for some reason you notice that this overseas worker's productivity has gone down you will be able to determine through these screen capture images what activity this employee is engaging in over the internet. So if you notice that your worker did not finish an assigned task which they had plenty of time to complete, and you see that the screen capture has multiple images of this employee browsing the internet, checking their personal email, or engaging in social networking sites. You now know the reason behind their lack of productivity and can address it accordingly.

2) Make sure that the remote desktop screen capture software has a online portal, where you can check these images in real time and make sure that your employees are engaged on the tasks that they are supposed to complete. Make sure that this online portal will allow you to view all of your workers screen shot capture images, thus having the ability to view all of your workers from one single online platform, instead of having to go to multiple places to see all of their individual work.

3) This desktop screen capture software should have an option to take an additional screen shot option. For instance, if your remote employee is facing challenges with an assignment, you can send them a link where it will take one additional screen shot image of the problem that they are currently having. You should then be able to log in to this online portal that was mentioned earlier and walk them through how to get through the problem, all because of this feature.

A system of this nature will be simple to use and will allow you to concentrate on other more important features of your business. Just imagine this system taking screen shot capture images of your overseas workers very 3 minutes? This provides a history of your employees work for you. If you wanted to know what your employee was doing at 3 pm, then you will have 20 screen shot images of their work, since this software would be taking screen shot images every 3 minutes. This provides a powerful tool for you to have the peace of mind that your overseas workers are getting the job done.
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